Saturday, August 30, 2014

Shadows - The team

Hi everyone!
Today, no new vines about the songs, mostly because I don't have my computer with the videos.

Today, I tell you about the musicians who are going to play on the album.
Those who read this blog know that I started composing this album after the concert of the Visitor grom the Future.
Now, the recording days are booked, so I can announce that on this album, you will hear the following musicians:

Pauline Denize (Violin)

Jasmine Collet (Viola)

Louise Leverd (Cello)
They all played in the VDF Orchestra when we played for the Visitor from the Future. We didn't work together since, and it's a real pleasure to work with them all again !

The only unknown musician for now is the singer. After a lot of emails during the past two months without any replies, I'm starting to look for someone else, but it takes time...You'll be informed as soon as I find someone !


Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Shadows - Recording the drums, bass and keyboards parts - episode 2

Hi !
The last week end, you discovered some extracts from "Between clouds", and from that moment, I started recording all my parts.
I play the drums, the bass and the keyboards, I record one song a day.
The really nice thing is that I organized everything in my room to be ready when I need it, so I don't spend time connecting or setting instruments, they are all ready !

Today, I let you with some extracts of the song called "Breathe":

I hope you like them !

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Shadows - First notes !

Hi everyone!

Everything is ready to record!

This is it. Everything is written, all the sheets are done, all the lyrics, all the I start the production of the album.

For the next few weeks, I'm going to record, either my instruments (keyboards, bass and drums) or other instrumentists.

I decided to start using Vine. I discover it today, and I post 3 little vines of one of the songs: "Between clouds".

I hope you like it. I will surely update the blog a little more often during the next weeks, to share with you other recordings !

See you soon.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Shadows - Sheet music

Hello everyone!

The melodies for the vocals aren't finished yet. I still have four to write. Sheet music for all the other songs are now done.

Why do I edit the sheets, and what do I do ?

At first, I have to say that I only edit the sheets for the strings players. I don't play strings, so the musicians have to know what to do, that's why I edit the sheets.
I will surely edit the sheets for the keyboards, bass and the drums later, but that's not the most important for now.

I composed all the demos in ProTools. The Sibelius software I'm using to edit the sheets is more or less integrated in ProTools.
It's then easy to convert my virtual instruments tracks into sheets that I can edit in Sibelius.

Once I have the notes on screen, my work isn't finished.
On the demos, I set the volumes of each part during the song, in order to hear every instruments at the good volume. I had to write the dynamics of each instrument on the sheet, so each player knows if he has to play loud or not.
It takes time, but it's a time saved in recording and mixing!

Next week, chances are that you will be able to hear some samples...

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Shadows - The album is slowly coming

Hi everyone!

Today's post is about how the things go with the album, to let you know what is done, and what I still have to do.

First, all the lyrics are now written. Next week, I start writing the melodies, so the songs will have their definitive structure (I composed them with extra time, so I could cut them according to the lyrics).

Untill yesterday, almost every song was titled by a number. Now, each song has a title. It's always complicated for me to find a title, specially with instrumental songs. For some of them, it was easy, and for others...I had to think a lot.

You can already try to imagine what the songs will be by reading those titles:

- No memories (with vocals)
- I will light a candle (with vocals)
- Open your eyes (with vocals)
- Shadows (with vocals)
- The book of destiny (with vocals)
- The end of a dream (with vocals)
- Reflections
- Chase the wind
- Crossroads
- Between clouds
- Whirling
- Remembering children's games

These are just the titles, not the order of the tracks on the album.

I'm now waiting for some gear next week, particularly some cables.

And now, here's my schedule for the weeks to come:
- Fisrt, I write the melodies for the lyrics (week of the 11th august)
- I will then edit the sheets for the strings (week of the 11th august and of the 18th august)
- I will then start producing the album, starting by recording my own parts (week of the 18th august). I will surely start to put some extracts of the recordings here this week !
- I'm going to plan the recording sessions for the strings and vocals (if I have a reply from the singer). Ideally, I would start the recordings the week of the 25th.

The first steps of this album are almost finished, I look forward to start giving life to this album !

See you next week !

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Shadows, the album - The built of microphones - Part 2

Hi everyone !

In the last post, I talked about the 2 "Neumann" Clones I built. That was only two more mics to add to my gear, I needed more.

In fact, I also built 2 ribbon microphones.
For those who don't know, a ribbon microphone is a microphone which membrane is a fin aluminium foil between two strong magnets.

I never use such microphones, but I have head a lot about them, so I decided to test.

In a first time, I bought a used T.Bone RM700. I tested it, and I loved it.
Obviously, there is a serious lack of trebles, and it's very specific, but that's why I loved it.
I think that it's the kind of microphone you have to test on everything, but sometimes, you won't use it at all.

Once this mic tested, I thought that I could mod this mic, improving its building quality. At the same time, I decided to build another one.

To build a ribbon microphone, you only need three components:

- A "motor" (the system composed of the aluminium foil and the magnets)
- One output transformer, I chose the Lundahl 2912, very common for ribbon microphones. I already use some Lundahl transformers in my preamps, so I know they are good.
- A microphone body with an XLR plug in it.

The new microphone (let's call it The Blue) was the easiest to do. I ordered in China a ultra cheap microphone (sold to be a really professional one). I bought it for 30€. Once received, I threw everything inside (which really looked cheap), and I had a mic body !

I ordered the transformer at Ceres Electronique, so I had the transformers too.
For the motor, I ordered a ready one at  diyaudiocomponents.
I then had everything to build this mic. I cut the steel plate which held the old microphone membrane, and I attached the motor to this plate.
A few solders later, it was ready.

The T.Bone mod was really harder.
I already had a Lundahl transformer, and the problem came with the body.
The motor frame was metallic. This is a problem, because if you plug this mic in a preamp which has the phantom power turned on...bye bye the ribbon.
I decided to build a wood motor frame, to order magnets, and to put the aluminium foil by myself.
The wood frame was easy to do, ordering the magnets too.
Glueing the magnets on the frame was a pain in the ass. There is 5mm between them, and they were too strong to stay in place.
I had to build another wood frame, with a wedge to prevent them to attract each other.
In fact, they attracted a little each other, so the magnets are not really parallel, but it works fine, despite an awful design.

Concerning the aluminium foil, ribbon microphones usually use some 1.8 - 2.5 microns thick aluminium (the aluminium foil from diyaudiocomponents is 2.5 microns thick. For information, for chineese cheap ribbon microphones, it's usually 5 microns, and for the aluminium everyone uses in the kitchen, it's about 15 microns).
Finding such a thin foil is expansive, but I managed to find a 0.5 micron thick foil for 12€/10 foils at Charrier.
The pro is that I gained 6dB of dynamic.
The con is that 0.5 microns is really really thin, you can't breathe next to that, otherwise the foil starts to fly away...

Once the foils received, I cut one 3mm wide strap. After that, you have to corrugate the foil, so that it's able to vibrate. I built a corrugation machine with some old wheels from a video recorder.

I then attached the ribbon between the magnets, and the mic was built...

The building quality is now far superior than before, and the sound is really good.
The interesting fact about this mic, is that with the new frame design, the ribbon is no more centered in the mic body, and the mic has now two sounds, depending on which side you are.
In fact, there's a "bright" side, and a dark side. The frequency response is not the same one the two sides.
For information, a ribbon microphone is bi directional, so it takes the sound from front and rear, and it's supposed to have the same frequency response on both sides.

So how does everything sound ??
Here's a little song recorded only with these microphones.

Some technical informations:
- The clarinet and the Tin Whistle have been recorded with the modded T.Bone, "bright" side in front of the instrument.
- I did a Blumlein stereo sound take for the guitare using the two mics
- There are two Cajons, one with the snare on, and the other one with the snare off. I used the T.Bone for the front, and the Blue for the rear of the Cajon
No compression, no EQ, no effects...

See you next week !