I started writing this album about 2 years ago, and now that I announced this album, it would be nice to speak about his current status.
- The band:
There will be: 1 violin, 1 viola, 1 cello, keyboards, bass and drums. I will then add a singer.
I will personally play keyboards, bass and drums. For the other musicians, I know who I'll ask to play on this album, but since it's not finished yet, I didn't call anyone.
The challenge is the singer. Again, I know who I want, I'am writing the lyrics and melodies for her voice, but we don't know each other and she is not French ... I hope she will accept ... stay tuned.
- Style:
It will be almost entirely instrumental music, a mix of film music and other rhythmics rather "groovy". Did I say that there will be a singer ?
Yes, I like instrumental music, and I also like voices. In a standard "pop" song, when the chorus comes, everyone usually add more instruments. I do the same thing, but adding vocals. There will be songs where the vocals will only appear on the chorus.
- The different steps in the creation of this album:
Writing : This is the actual step where I am. I compose the strings melody, some battery loops, bass riffs, the piano parts ... Currently, there are eight songs composed and 6 others in progress.

This is also the step where I will give this album a "color" (I already know what to do, but as it takes a little time, I don't do it during the writing step). This is also the moment to write the lyrics of some songs. At the end of that step, I'll have the structure of every songs.
Production : Once the keyboards, bass and drums parts are recorded, this will be the time when to record vocals and strings. Then there will be mixing, mastering, and everything will be ready for you to hear it !
- The release date of the album:
It totally depends on the work that I have outside of this album. I plan to release it at the end of the year, probably in october.
- Financing the album :
It will be completely self-produced. I will not ask money to anyone for the production of this album.
However, I will surely create a project on a crowd funding platform to raise money for a concert and celebrate the release of the album.
That's the current status of the album.
See you next week for more!
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