Monday, December 15, 2014

The Visitor from the Future - Musics from the seaons 3 and four are now online !

Hi everyone!

Today, the musics from the last two seasons of The Visitor from the Future are online !
You can listen to them, and buy them on my bandcamp page.

You can find a lot of informations about them in the article about the musics from the 1st and second second seasons, but here are some other informations:

- The 18 first songs are from the season 3, the others are from season 4.

Season 3:

- "Les Missionnaires - Crédits" is the song used for the end title of the season.

- "Un nouvel ordre" is the song used for the end title of the episode 7.

- In 2012, there was a concert of the musics from the Visitor from the Future, "Les Missionnaires" is the song we played. It was one of the first song I composed for the third season.

- "Le plan des missionnaires" is the song used in the episode 6, at 4:33

- "Le fonctionnement des missionnaires" is the song used in the episode 5 at 6:48

- "Le sacrifice de Judith" is the song used in the episode 8, at 10:55. It uses the theme of the song "Judith", the song I prefer in the third season.

Season 4:

- The end title of each episode is a sample of the end of the song "Tous au portail"

- I composed the song "Les dessins" for the sequence with the T-rex, it's a kind of tribute to the song in Jurassic Parc. We didn't use it in the sequence finally...

- "Requiem pour Judith" is my favourite song of all seasons.

- During the bal, there is 3 songs. I think that the one everyone wants to hear is "Dancing Future". The others are "Ce soir on danse" and "VDF Disco".

- "Démarche finale" is the song used in the episode 10 at 16:25

You now know everything, enjoy it !

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