Sunday, May 24, 2015

Shadows - Recording the vocals ! Episode 3

Hi everyone!

Today, other samples from the vocals recordings. This time, it's the song "I will light a candle", with Xiomara Crystal.

I hope you'll like it!
Une vidéo publiée par Jimmy Tillier (@jimmytillier) le

See you next week!

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Shadows - Recording the vocals ! Episode 2

Hi everyone!
Today, new samples from the recordings, still on instagram, so they are 15s maximum.
It may be very frustrating for you, but I don't want to show you too much !
Here's a short sample from the song "No Memories", with Xiomara Crystal.

Une vidéo publiée par Jimmy Tillier (@jimmytillier) le
See you next week!

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Shadows - Recording the vocals ! Episode 1

Hi everyone!

Today, here are the first samples from the vocal recordings!
You already read that I had a lot troubles finding Shadows' voice. Finally, after a casting on starnow, I chose Xiomara Crystal. Everything was fine, and we spent a few days together recording the songs and talking about future collaborations. This is only a beginning...
The recordings are now completed, and I have to start mixing the album.
But before that, here's a sample from the song "The Book of Destiny".

Une vidéo publiée par Jimmy Tillier (@jimmytillier) le
See you next week!