Hi everyone!
A little late for this article, because I had to organize my studio again.
You may have already seen this picture:
This is the room where I spend almost all of my time.
If you already watched some of my videos, you may have noticed that the things in this room don't always have the same place...it's true!
Depending on the projets I'm working on, or my mood, I change all or just some things in this room.
For exemple, the electronic drums on this picture is usually in my other room, except if I have to record drums.
Th xylosynth usually is above the keyboard, while the Virus is in front of the wall.
This week-end, I put a wooden floor, so I had to unplug everything, move everything, install the wooden floor, then move and plug everything again...
Each time I decide to move everything, it takes me 3 days. The longest part is to plug everything again. Side to site, there is something like 250m of cables.
Here's the room now:
Let me tell you more about this room:
Everything is set around my mixing desk, a Yamaha dm-2000 V2, that I use for mixing, but also as a control surface for protools. It has 2 MLAN cards, allowing me to have 32 inputs and 32 outputs on my computer.
My monitors are BM5A, by Dynaudio.
On my left, there's a midi patch, which links all my midi gear. I can use any keyboard to control any other keyboards or virtual instruments on the computer.
There is also an audio patch to plug some temporary sources (guitars, DJ desk, another soundcards...)
I have some mics in this furniture, as well as my preamps (Jymm audio, the one I made). I always have at least 2 keyboards out, the kurzweil PC3, and the Access Music Virus. With both of them, I can have a lot of sounds and controls available when I need.
Everything in this room is permanently plugged to the desk, so everything is ready to be recorded.
I also have 2 multipairs ready to plug some mics to the DM2000, without having to go behing the desk...
But that's only my control room.
Here's my live room:

This is where I give my music lessons, but this room is also linked to the other one via a multipair cable, so that I can record instruments here, while in my control room. This is where I recorded the strings for "Shadows".
In this room, there's usually my 88 keys kurzweil SP2XS keyboard, the Edrums, one guitar amp, and one bass amp.
You now know everything !
See you tomorrow!