Saturday, December 20, 2014

Behind the musics from "The Visitor from the Future"

Hi everyone!

Now that the soundtrack is available on my bandcamp page, I found some videos I shot when I was recording the songs, for the fourth season.

Those of you who follow me on facebook already saw this video of the instruments used in the song "Bienvenue à Neo Versailles":

Now, here's a video of me recording the guitars and bass on the song "Octave", you can even see a part of the sheet music !

Now, here's a video about the sounds used in the song "Les cachots", you'll know which instrument I use to replace a tambourine...

At last, a lot of people love "Dancing Future", the music from the bal, but did you know that it is only a second version ? The first version is called "Dancing Queen", and it's online on bandcamp, you'll recognize some of the sounds used in "Dancing Future", and you'll hear me "singing" !

I hope you enjoyed it ! See you next week !

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