Hi everyone!
You may have seen this picture on facebook monday. Shadows on Keys is an EP. You'll find some songs from the upcoming ablbum Shadows, in their easiest version: only with a piano
I will tell you everything about it saturday, but for now, I'd like to tell you about its origins.
At first, there was a nice reason:
I was a bit worried for the live (I always think about the live when I'm recording or doing anything with this album, and I can tell you that it will be great), specially for the money I'd need to organize a concert. I was wondering if I was able to play the songs alone (I'm not interested at all to play them alone, but if I don't have any other choice...)
After a few tries and arrangements, I managed to play the songs. I kept that in my head for some weeks.
Then I had a small problem. This blog is about my work, and I think it's important to tell you about the things when they don't go right.
These last years, I always had to claim my money each time I worked as a composer. I had contracts, invoices, but none of the payments was paid in time. Most people don't have to claim their money at the end of the month, and I think it's totally not normal for me to ask for it.
In that mix of bad luck and bad faith, I had to face parental leaves, people who simply forgot...several times, people who dismissed their job or were fired, and replaced by people who didn't ever contacted me...
The problem is that when I have to ask, it takes time. Sometimes, I had to wait for over 6 months to have my money.
Actually, I'm waiting for money, a lot of small amount which make a big one.
If you read this blog regularly, you know that I produce the album on my own, I planned it from the beginning, and I knew I was able to do it because of that money I'm waiting for, since september.
You know that I spend a lot of time trying to contact singers. But I have to slow down a bit, because if I find her, today, I can't pay her. Once the recordings done, I need one month for mixing and mastering, then I'll have to make the cds...with the money I'm waiting.
Nothing here is really serious, that money isn't lost, and I will earn it one day, but I need it now.
I release the EP to raise money while I'm waiting.
I could have used a crowdfunding plateform, but I didn't want to sell something not really appropriate, or an album which isn't finished. I decided to record some of the songs from the album in other versions, so that you can have an idea of what the themes are, and this is something directly related to the album.
You now know everything about the origins of that EP, you'll know everything about the EP saturday !
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